Saturday, October 16, 2004

epitafio de 777 neuronas muertas

tal vez mi nombre sí deba escribirse con acento: Úrsula, Úrsula, Úrsula. lo he escuchado con tantos matices que podría superponerlos a la escala Pantone de colores.

el sexo anal es audacia
expiación de culpa

me salté las páginas... el príncipe y la princesa no se casan por bienes mancomunados.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There are a good many people of the same kind as Harry. Many artists are of his kind. These persons all have two souls, two beings within them. There is God and the devil in them; the mother's blood and the father's; the capacity for happiness and the capacity for suffering; and in just such a state of enmity and entanglement towards and within each other as were the wolf and man in Harry. And these men, for whom life has no repose, live at times in their rare moments of happiness with such strength and indescribable beauty, the spray of their moment's happiness is flung so high and dazzlingly over the wide sea of suffering, that the light of it, spreading its radiance touches others too with its enchantment...To such men the desperate and horrible thought has come that perhaps the whole of human life is but a bad joke, a violent and ill-fated abortion of the primal mother, a savage and dismal catastrophe of nature."

Hermann Hesse, "Das Steppenwolf"

¿Quizás tú también seas una loba, Úrsula?

Úrsula siempre se escribe con esdrujula

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ursula, disculpen pero no tiene nada que ver con esdrújulas.

Hace tanto tiempo y hoy nuevamente. Quien me Ursula y en mi piel deja su memoria, que sus uñas en la penumbra, rajada por las brazas, no me dejaran olvidar, que en mi mente Ursula, me agoniza.

Aquél que nunca haya sido Ursulado está condenado a nunca aullar, sexo anal será para él sólo una perversión más.

9:04 PM  

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